Mobile Solids Dispenser - Solid Quat Broad Range Sanitizer

Ready to use dispenser that allows food service managers to control the costs of their operations by always dispensing the proper amount of chemistry, every use - while offering the performance of industry leading solid chemistries. This dispenser uses Apex Solid Quat Broad Range Sanitizer (6100177).

  • SUPC Number: 4393254
  • Ecolab PIC: 9223-1104
  • GTIN Number: 0025469028228
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Industry leading chemistry offers consistent, sparkling results.

The MSD controls the dilution of chemistry output during every wash which allows for controlling costs of operation.

Easy to use handle mount quickly and efficiently mounts to a wide range of partition types.


Equipment for use as part of a three compartment sink warewashing program.


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